VCL Publication Search: Croner, L. J.

VCL Publication Index: BibTeX

Tom Albright

This database contains all the publications of Tom Albright.

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Found 2 Articles
Found 1 Refereed Conference Proceedings
Found 3 Total.


    • Croner, L. J.; Albright, T. D.; Segmentation by color influences responses of motion-sensitive neurons in the cortical middle temporal visual area., J. Neurosci, 19, 3935-3951, 1999
    • Croner, L. J.; Albright, T. D.; Image segmentation enhances discrimination of motion in visual noise., Vision Res., 37, No. 11, 1415-1427, 1997 (PDF)

    Refereed Conference Proceedings

    • Croner, L. J.; Albright, T. D.; How color enhances discrimination of motion in visual noise: Psychophysice and hysiology., Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Symposium on Neural Computation, 5, 36-42, 1995